Preliminary to Concept of the Ontology in Kant’s Critical Philosophy




metaphysics, ontology, transcendental philosophy, ontological proof


Basing on Kant’s vast oeuvre, which includes not only published works, but also corre-spondence, lectures and handwritten heritage, the paper explains the meaning of the concept “ontology” in relation to the evolution of the philosopher’s thoughts. An analysis of Kant’s relevant word-usage shows that in the period of criticism he is inclined to adapt traditional metaphysica generalis in the frame of a new project of transcendental philosophy. However, at the same time, certain ways and contexts of usage of the ontological vocabulary remain inher-ited from the German metaphysical school, which is especially evident in the concept of «on-tological proof».

Author Biography

Vitali Terletsky, National Research Institute of Ukraine Studies and World History



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Abstract views: 497



How to Cite

Terletsky, V. (2013). Preliminary to Concept of the Ontology in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Sententiae, 28(1), 30–41.






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