Sententiae 2024-11-30T12:37:47+02:00 Oleg Khoma Open Journal Systems <p>Journal created by Modern philosophy's research group (Pascalian society).<br />Founded in 2000. Published thrice a year, on April 30, on August 30, and on November 30.<br />Journal DOI: <a href=""></a></p> To the 180th Anniversary of Nietzsche 2024-11-26T22:58:54+02:00 Vitalii Mudrakov <p>Description of the materials of current issue of&nbsp;<em>Sententiae</em>, devoted to Neitzsche's philosophy.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Classic as a Modern Interlocutor: The Limits of Modernization. Svensson, F. (2024). Descartes’s Moral Perfectionism. New York: Routledge. 2024-11-28T23:30:14+02:00 Oleg Khoma <p>Review of Svensson, F. (2024<em>). Descartes’s Moral Perfectionism</em>. New York: Routledge.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medieval Thought from a Fresh Perspective. Arlig, A. W. (2023). Medieval Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. New York: Routledge. 2024-11-27T23:21:42+02:00 Andrii Shymanovych <p class="--"><span lang="EN-US">Review of Arlig,&nbsp;A.&nbsp;W. (2023). <em>Medieval Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction</em>. New York: Routledge.</span></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 To Hold Power over Being and Essence. Cassin, B., & Sigov, C. (2024). European Dictionary of Philosophies: Ukrainian Context. Lexicon of Untranslatables. Chapters V-VI (Vol. V, pp. 179-214). Kyiv: Duh i Litera. 2024-11-27T23:32:52+02:00 Anatolii Tekliuk <p>Review of Chapters V “State and Power” and VI “Being and Essence” from Volume V of the <em>European Dictionary of Philosophies</em> (Kyiv: Duh i Litera, 2024).</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Untranslatability as Historical Chronotope. Cassin, B., & Sigov, C. (Eds.). (2024). European Dictionary of Philosophies: Ukrainian Context. Lexicon of Untranslatables. Chapter VII (Vol. V, pp. 215-248). Kyiv: Duh i Litera. 2024-11-28T00:26:10+02:00 Elvira Chukhrai <p class="--"><span lang="EN-US">Review of Chapter VII “Language, Culture, Historyˮ from Volume V of the <em>European Dictionary of Philosophies</em> (Kyiv: Duh i Litera, 2024).</span></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Written Word and the Oral Word: Toward an Oral History of Philosophy. Part II. Conception 2024-11-28T09:34:21+02:00 Tetiana Chaika Amina Kkhelufi Kseniia Myroshnyk <p>An interview of Amina Kkhelufi and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Tetiana Chaika, dedicated to the method of oral history of philosophy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Archivum Sententiarum: the First Results 2024-11-28T10:05:58+02:00 Illia Davidenko <p>Report on the first half of the year of the academic-archival center for the study of the history of Ukrainian philosophy of the 20th century Archivum Sententiarum.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Digitization of the Mohylian Philosophical Heritage (17th–18th Centuries): From Dream to Realization 2024-11-30T12:37:47+02:00 Mykola Symchych <p>Description of the project implementation “Manuscript Heritage of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy: Monuments of the Educational Process of the 17th–18th Centuries”</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nietzsche's Sting: What We Can Learn from the Peculiar History of Nietzsche's Influence 2024-11-26T23:16:11+02:00 Rainer Adolphi <p>The essay shows what Nietzsche means as a phenomenon of time (Erfahrungsgehalt) – and how an awareness of his possible significance for the present (including possible dangers) can be gained from the history of his impact. Which endeavor to understand the age and critique of social mentalities has turned to Nietzsche’s philosophy – and in which specific constellations – varies greatly. At the beginning of the 20th century, and repeatedly in crises since then, there was an attraction to total identification; today, on the other hand, Nietzsche is usually received as a fruitful type of thought that can be relatively independent of agreementwith all his theses and judgments. In this, Nietzsche stands as a model for a self-criticism of modernity (and for a transformation, but not an abandonment of rationality). – The several factual dimensions of this critique are shown; and how culture, morals and the sciences as well as social realities in particular have already become so ›Nietzschean‹ today that precisely the success story of Nietzsche’s thinking could conceal many things if it is limited to pure cultural or mental critique and does not also integrate other theorems: Nietzsche must not remain a solitaire..</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nietzsche’s Anti-Positivist Thought in His Middle Period 2024-11-26T23:35:20+02:00 Laura Langone <p>In this paper, I aim to call into question a long-established tradition within the Anglo-Saxon Nietzsche scholarship that regards Nietzsche’s middle period as positivist. Unlike most scholars, I shall demonstrate that in Human, All Too Human Nietzsche does not take a positivist position, recognizing the limits of science with regard to knowledge of reality and its contributions toward unleashing human potential. Ultimately, I will show that Nietzsche was coherent, taking an anti-positivist position in all three works of the middle period.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Methodological Specificity of Friedrich Nietzsche's Metaphors: a “New Formˮ for “Infinite Clarificationˮ 2024-11-27T00:43:13+02:00 Vitalii Mudrakov <p>Nietzsche’s metaphorical statements often are used to show the vagueness, contradiction, and radicalism of his ideas. The author of the article proves that Nietzsche's metaphorical style is a part of philosophical tools, and it constitutes the philosopher's <em>methodology</em><em> of knowledge</em>. The main attention is focused on: (1) a set of factors that shaped Nietzsche's linguistic criticism – ideological motivations of an anti-metaphysical nature, key trends in the comprehension of language, and a fascination with music – and their role in the formation of the philosopher's metaphorical style is shown; (2) instrumental features of Nietzsche's metaphor in the process of cognition. In the first part of the article, the author concludes that the problem of concepts as a key linguistic problem for Nietzsche is the falsity of their content and proves that this was the reason for the philosopher's “search for a new form” of writing and, ultimately, his use of metaphors. In the second part of the article, the author interprets Nietzsche's metaphor as a possibility of “infinite clarification”, which made it possible to substantiate the perspective nature of Nietzsche's cognition.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Orality and Literature. On the Genealogy of Modern Culture in Friedrich Nietzsche's Basel Lectures 2024-11-27T01:00:45+02:00 Carlotta Santini <p>The lectures on classical philology that Friedrich Nietzsche delivered in Basel between 1869 and 1879 constitute an extraordinarily promising new field of study that has opened up in recent years to Nietzsche scholars. In this article I intend to offer a novel reconstruction of Greek culture as it emerges from Nietzsche's Lectures on the History of Greek Literature. In a pioneering manner with respect to his time, Nietzsche identifies the dimension of orality, of the spoken word, as the salient character of Greek culture, and he sets it against contemporary culture and education, which are based on writing and learning from books. My purpose is to show how Nietzsche's cultural critique acts, taking its cue from an ancient and obsolete culture to highlight the weaknesses and contradictions of his contemporary culture.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Philosophical Roots of Hadewijch’s Conception of the Human Rede 2024-11-27T15:14:57+02:00 Inna Savynska <p>Studies of the heritage of Hadewijch from Brabant mostly focus on the theological sources of her Love mystic (Minnemystik), disregarding the philosophical genesis of her ideas. In this article, I provide arguments in favour of the hypothesis of the philosophical roots of several Hadewijch’s concepts. It is about the parallels among the conception of (1) Rede (Reason) as an image of the Trinity in the human soul and Augustine’s Neoplatonic tradition; (2) life under the guidance of the Reason as the way of recognition and self-control and Seneca’s stoicism; (3) Rede in the image of the queen as the factor of growing of the epistemic virtues which prepare the human soul to the unity with God (Minne) and images of the Lady Dialectic by Martianus Capella, and Lady Philosophy by Boethius.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kant's Doctrine of Sensibility, Space and Time: Transcendental, Anthropological and Natural Science Connotations 2024-11-27T15:34:03+02:00 Viktor Kozlovskyi <p>The author examines Kant’s transcendental doctrine of space and time in order to find out possible anthropological connotations of the German philosopher’s topology. The analysis allows us to draw the following conclusions: 1) the anthropological features of space and time significantly correct the transcendental understanding of space and time as forms of sensual intuition; 2) the anthropological connotations of the forms of space and time make it impossible to have both noumenal, intellectual intuition of things and intuition based on a different topology, on configurations of the world that are different from those familiar to humans; 3) Kant’s achievement is his work «Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science» (1786), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the transcendental method, in particular transcendental aesthetics, in substantiating the natural sciences (physics) of the time, which made it possible to prove the close connection of the natural sciences with the transcendental conditions of experience.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Johann Nikolaus Tetens’ Critical Foundations of the First Project for the Reform of Metaphysics 2024-11-27T15:52:47+02:00 Sergii Secundant Manuel Sanchez-Rodrigez <p>Tetens is usually considered the main representative of English empiricism in 18th-century German philosophy. In order to find out how fair this characterization is, the authors turn to the analysis of the critical foundations of the project of reform of metaphysics proposed by Tetens in his early article “Reflections on Some Reasons Why There Are So Few Settled Truths in Metaphysics” (1760). Having analyzed the arguments of this article, the authors prove: 1) Tetens's project for the reform of philosophy fully fits into the tradition of German "methodical" philosophy, 2) it is based on the methodological and epistemological principles of the philosophy of Leibniz and Wolf, and is aimed at substantiating the basic provisions of Leibniz's metaphysics, 3) Tetens's “observing method” is rooted in the philosophy of Leibniz and Wolf, and not in the tradition of English empiricism.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kant’s Project of the “Metaphysics of Morals” in Systematic and Historical Contexts 2024-11-27T16:25:57+02:00 Vitali Terletsky <p>Kant first publicized the concept of “metaphysics of morals” in the <em>Critique of Pure Reason</em> and further justified it in other works. However, we can state some distinctive features and perspectives of this project. There are reasons to single out three meanings of this concept: the entire project of pure moral philosophy (MM1), the late work with the same name <em>Metaphysics of Morals</em> (1797) (MM2), the chapter in <em>Groundwork</em> (1785) on “Transition from popular moral philosophy to the metaphysics of morals” (MM3). It is obvious that MM2 and MM3 belong to MM1 as a whole systematic project of the metaphysics of morals. Among Kant scholars was established the view that Kant’s project of “metaphysics of morals” was “completely new”, and the concept itself is Kant’s “creature” (G. Tonelli, R. Brandt). Instead, recent research shows that this project belongs to the modern tradition of universal ethics (Pufendorf, Wolff and his school).</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Problem of the Dual Character of Logic (a Historical-Logical Survey) 2024-11-27T22:09:01+02:00 Iryna Khomenko Yaroslav Shramko <p class="--"><span lang="EN-US">This paper argued that interpreting logic solely as a formal discipline is unjustified, as this science has always included a significant informal component related to its application in argumentative discourse. The Aristotelian paradigm, based on the subject-predicate approach to the logical-philosophical analysis of language, has influenced the history of logic significantly. The functional analysis of language introduced by Gottlob Frege marked a shift to the modern logical paradigm. This led to the rise of symbolic logic, disrupting the established balance between the formal and informal components of logical knowledge for a time. The application of the latest analytical methods in informal logic has enabled research in this field to meet contemporary scientific standards. This development helps restore the balance between the formal and informal aspects of general logic.</span></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Review of 2023 Papers on the History of Philosophy in the Journal “Filosofska Dumkaˮ 2024-11-28T00:54:47+02:00 Iryna Holovashenko <p>An overview of papers devoted to the history of philosophy in the journal “Filosofska dumkaˮ (Philosophical Thought) (2023).</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 To the Origins of Modern Moral Philosophy. Darwall, S. L. (2023). Modern Moral Philosophy: from Grotius to Kant. Cambridge, & New York: Cambridge University Press. 2024-11-28T01:04:55+02:00 Vsevolod Khoma <p>Review of Darwall, S. L. (2023). <em>Modern moral philosophy: from Grotius to Kant</em>. Cambridge, &amp; New York: Cambridge University Press.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dmytro Chyzhevskyi, Semen Semkovskyi according to criminal case dated December 16, 1920 2024-11-27T22:38:40+02:00 Illia Davidenko <p>In 1920, Dmytro Chyzhevsky and Semen Semkovsky were defendants in a criminal case opened as part of the Bolshevik struggle against the Menshevik opposition. The author describes for the first time a number of documents from this case and compares it with the materials of some modern studies. Since Chyzhevskyi and Semkovskyi later became leaders of “emigrant” and “mainland” Ukrainian philosophy respectively, the author proves that the empirical material he describes cannot be ignored in a theoretical understanding of what Ukrainian philosophy was in the 1920s and 1930s.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Soviet Philosophy and Expertise: One Episode from Volodymyr Shynkaruk 2024-11-27T22:55:37+02:00 Kateryna Skrypnyk <p>The first annotated publication of Volodymyr Shynkarukʼs expert opinion (prepared in 1984) on the script for the film “Five Spoons of Elixirˮ by the Strugatsky brothers.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zinaida Luzina: White Spots on the Map of the Philosophy of the «Executed Renaissance» Era 2024-11-27T23:08:02+02:00 Ryenat Shvets <p>The first commented edition of the text of Zinaida Luzina’s <em>Curriculum vitae</em> autograph, based on the material of her academic files as well as other documents and periodicals of the 1920s and 1930s.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024