Aporias of the neo-Thomism. Reflections on a book Андрій Баумейстер. Тома Аквінський: Вступ до мислення. Бог, буття і пізнання. – Київ: Дух і літера, 2012 (Andrii Baumeister. Thomas Aquinas: An Introduction to thinking. God, life and cognition)


  • Yuriy Chornomorets National Pedagogical Dragomanov University




Thomism, phenomenology, theory of knowledge, intellectual intuition


The review analyzes philosophy and theology of Thomism as presented in the book of the leading of the Ukrainian Thomistic philosopher of today. The article mostly deals with the theory of knowledge of God in philosophy and theology of Thomas and neo-Thomism of Andrii Baumeister. The article shows that the project of transcendental neoThomism of Andrii Baumeister contains numerous aporias and contradictions. The article argues that phenomeno-logical way of theological and philosophical thinking is fully consistent with the nature of mind, world and its ideal cause (God). Transcendental neo-Thomism always is a "raving metaphysics", without providing direct apodictic knowledge of their subjects hypothetical thinking, even in the works of such prominent neo-Thomist Andrii Baumeister.

Author Biography

Yuriy Chornomorets, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Culture Studies


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How to Cite

Chornomorets, Y. (2014). Aporias of the neo-Thomism. Reflections on a book Андрій Баумейстер. Тома Аквінський: Вступ до мислення. Бог, буття і пізнання. – Київ: Дух і літера, 2012 (Andrii Baumeister. Thomas Aquinas: An Introduction to thinking. God, life and cognition). Sententiae, 30(1), 182–195. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent30.01.182



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