Kant’s Project of the “Metaphysics of Morals” in Systematic and Historical Contexts





Kant, metaphysics of morals, ethics, moral metaphysics, Philosophia practica universalis, entia moralia


Kant first publicized the concept of “metaphysics of morals” in the Critique of Pure Reason and further justified it in other works. However, we can state some distinctive features and perspectives of this project. There are reasons to single out three meanings of this concept: the entire project of pure moral philosophy (MM1), the late work with the same name Metaphysics of Morals (1797) (MM2), the chapter in Groundwork (1785) on “Transition from popular moral philosophy to the metaphysics of morals” (MM3). It is obvious that MM2 and MM3 belong to MM1 as a whole systematic project of the metaphysics of morals. Among Kant scholars was established the view that Kant’s project of “metaphysics of morals” was “completely new”, and the concept itself is Kant’s “creature” (G. Tonelli, R. Brandt). Instead, recent research shows that this project belongs to the modern tradition of universal ethics (Pufendorf, Wolff and his school).

Author Biography

Vitali Terletsky, H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Department of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy


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How to Cite

Terletsky, V. (2024). Kant’s Project of the “Metaphysics of Morals” in Systematic and Historical Contexts. Sententiae, 43(3), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent43.03.113






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