This is an outdated version published on 2021-08-16. Read the most recent version.

"Aristocratic metaphysics" and stereotypes. Jolibert, B. (2020). Descartes en questions: l'urgence d'un retour aux textes. Paris: L'Hrarmattan.




self-affectation of cogito, animal thinking, passions, freedom, st. Augustine, Descartes’ “provisional morality”, historico-philosophical methodology


Review of Jolibert, B. (2020). Descartes en questions: l'urgence d'un retour aux textes. Paris: L'Hrarmattan.

Author Biography

Oleg Khoma, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy


Gouhier, H. (2006). La pensée religieuse de Descartes. Paris: J. Vrin,

Jolibert, B. (2020). Descartes en questions: l'urgence d'un retour aux textes. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Kambouchner, D. (2015). Descartes n'a pas dit: un répertoire des fausses idées sur l'auteur du Discours de la méthode avec les éléments utiles et une esquisse d'apologie. Paris: Les Belles lettres.

Khoma, O. (2016). The Role of Skeptical Evidence in the First and Second “Meditations”. Article 1. The Doubt according to Descartes and Sextus Empiricus. Sententiae, 35(2), 6-22.

Khoma, O. (2017). The Role of Skeptical Evidence in the First and Second “Meditations”. Article 2. Certitudo. Sententiae, 36(2), 18-29.

Marion, J.-L. (1991). Le cogito s’affecte-t-il? In Marion, J.-L., Questions cartésiennes: méthode et métaphysique (pp. 153-188). Paris: PUF.

Mehl, É. (2012). Auto-affection et cogito. Sur le cartésianisme de Michel Henry. In S. Ebbersmeyer (Ed.), Emotional Minds (pp. 31-50). Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter.

Abstract views: 458


2021-08-15 — Updated on 2021-08-16


How to Cite

Khoma, O. (2021). "Aristocratic metaphysics" and stereotypes. Jolibert, B. (2020). Descartes en questions: l’urgence d’un retour aux textes. Paris: L’Hrarmattan. Sententiae, 40(2), 111–114. (Original work published August 15, 2021)



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