Animus/anima, animus/mens: accumulation of untranslatability




The article analyzes historical changes in the status of animus as the cognitive instance in Latin philosophical texts from Lucretius to Descartes. It states that this term was getting more and more marginal, slowly loosing distinctness and yielding to the term mens. The relative poverty of French epistemological terminology of Descartes as compared to his own Latin terminology is interpreted as the conse-quence of change in fundamental principles of philosophizing, which required new conceptual and, consequently, terminological forms.

Author Biography

Oleg Khoma, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 686



How to Cite

Khoma, O. (2010). Animus/anima, animus/mens: accumulation of untranslatability. Sententiae, 23(2), 143–155.






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