The light of Intellect and the light of glory: metaphysics of knowledge in St. Thomas Aquinas




In article are investigated the fundamental principles of Thomas Aquinas’ Epistemolo-gy. The article shows internal connection Aquinas’ conception of rationality) with last purpose of knowledge – with knowledge of God. The special attention is given to the theory of Intellect, theory of abstraction and imagination. Thomas Aquinas’ Epistemology it is described as the moderate position taking an average place between Idealism and Epistemic Naturalism. A basis which allows to work out realistic Epistemology, the Aquinas’ conception of Intentionality (in particular – conception of Being Intentional). Research basing on substantive sources, in particular – for works of such authors as Jan Aersten, Wouter Goris, Robert Heinzmann, Antony Kenny, Mieczysław Krąpiec, Domi-nik Perler, Stefan Swieżawski, Johannes Vries.

Author Biography

Andrii Baumeister, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 637



How to Cite

Baumeister, A. (2010). The light of Intellect and the light of glory: metaphysics of knowledge in St. Thomas Aquinas. Sententiae, 23(2), 3–41.






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