Liber de causis: the Intellectual Travel from Athens to Paris and London through Bagdad and Toledo




The paper is a commentary on the first Ukrainian translation of the “Liber de causis”. The main topics under consideration are (1) the context of the appareance of the “Liber de causis”; (2) the story of writing this work, (3) his influence on Muslim and Western medieval philosophy and on modern philosophy; (4) its main features. The author for the first time makes a detailed analysis of the interpretations of “Liber de causis” by Thomas Aquinas in different periods of his work.

Author Biography

Andrii Baumeister, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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How to Cite

Baumeister, A. (2017). Liber de causis: the Intellectual Travel from Athens to Paris and London through Bagdad and Toledo. Sententiae, 36(2), 90–116.






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