The theory of substance in Aristotle




In the paper the author shows an important role of the Aristotelian theory of substance(oysia) in formation and development of Ontology and Epistemology. Modern conceptsof substance (Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Kant) represent the various simplified variantsthe oysia theory. Philosophers of New Times used basic Aristotle's early Ontology (oysia– an individual concrete thing) and don't consider his mature Ontology (oysia as the immanentform of thing and as its ontological principle). The basic text of the research isVII (Z) “Metaphysics”. The author presents the structure of the argument of Aristotle andsuggests his translation of key fragments of the book Z. The paper presents the synopticapproach: the author analyzes the basic contemporary interpretations of the Aristoteliantheory of substance (Bächli, Bordt, Brugger, Düring, Graeser, Horn, Losev, Krąpiec,Rapp, Reale, Ross, Seidl, etc.). Such an approach allows to reveal various aspects andcreative potential which are in the oysia-theory.

Author Biography

Andrii Baumeister, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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How to Cite

Baumeister, A. (2010). The theory of substance in Aristotle. Sententiae, 22(1), 3–62.






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