The methodology of theological thinking in the works of St. Maximus the Confessor


  • Yuriy Chornomorets National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



methodology, theology, anthropology, Christian Platonism


The author proves the inadequacy of previous studies of Maximus the Confessor’s theological system. These studies paid little attention to the originality of transformation of Cappadocian Fathers’ teaching by this thinker. The paper demonstrates that Maximus turned out to be ahead of his time in his ontological reinterpretation of the previous patristic tradition. A revolutionary version of Christian Platonism created by Maximus the Confessor, requires new stu-dies, especially in comparison with the ancient philosophers.

Author Biography

Yuriy Chornomorets, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Culture Studies


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How to Cite

Chornomorets, Y. (2013). The methodology of theological thinking in the works of St. Maximus the Confessor. Sententiae, 28(1), 42–50.






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