Tradition and Freedom in the Deconstructive “Philosophy of Philosophy”




other, translation, passage, violence, transcendental thinking, subject, limit, possibility


The article examines the peculiarities of the relationship between phenomena of freedom and tradition in the discourse of deconstruction. In this case, the tradition stands primarily as philosophical tradition, a critical questioning about which underlies Derridian thought. The latter in a great measure is a philosophical reflection on just the philosophical heritage ("philosophy of philosophy"). The author carries out her own analysis of the relationship between deconstruction and philosophical tradition in connection with the problem of freedom. In this respect, she uses the Derridian concept-metaphor of translation (passage), drawing on Mark Crepon’s historico-philosophical findings.

Considering the peculiarities of the thematization of concepts of freedom and tradition in deconstructive discourse, the author reveals a connection between the problems of (a) limits of philosophy (as one of the cornerstone issues of Derridian discourse) and (b) the specific correlation between the phenomena of freedom and tradition. It has been established that it is the ideas of other and translation (passage) that stand as links enabling such a connection.

For the history of philosophy of the second half of the 20th century, it is important to correctly understand the Derridian concept of tradition. The article proves that Derrida's interpretation of this concept (1) is significantly determined by the factor of other, (2) is based on the paradoxical interaction of tradition and freedom, (3) causes and enables deconstructing of the opposition between freedom and violence. As a result, it is established that deconstruction, which is apparently guided by the goal of liberation from tradition, in essence turns out to be a freedom for tradition, if the latter is interpreted in the semantic context set by the concepts of translation (or transition), other and limit.

Author Biography

Anna Ilyina, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Research fellow


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How to Cite

Ilyina, A. (2022). Tradition and Freedom in the Deconstructive “Philosophy of Philosophy”. Sententiae, 41(3), 6–25.






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