Idea of Evidence in Phenomenological Outlook: Deconstruction and Reactualization of Cartesian Legacy. First article: Excessiveness of Evidence
evidence, excessiveness, hyperbolicity, truth, fulfillment of intention, idea, possibility, givennessAbstract
The article deals with the problem of phenomenological interpretation of Cartesian idea of evidence. The author demonstrates that implicit but constitutive characteristic of evidence is a property of excessiveness. The analysis of its conceptual versions and methodological representations in Husserl, Marion and Derrida’s philosophies deconstructs some stereotype interpretations of evidence as an attribute of I-centric philosophical systems and also as a carrier of qualities of fullness and presence. The author claims that excessiveness of evidence has two main aspects: (1) non-belonging to the system assured by this very evidence and (2) tendency to self-surpassing (hyperbolization). The excessiveness of evidence is shown in particular with regard to the system of thinking governed by the “truth-falsehood” opposition. The author brings to light a trend to the increasing of degrees of evidence as a consequence of phenomenological critique and deconstruction as methodological hyperbolizations of Cartesian doubt. The common ground between Marionian and Derridian critiques of Husserl’s conception of evidence is found that is inconsistency between the principle of fulfillment of intention and the unrealizable regulative of the “Idea in Kantian sense” as two main ways of representation of evidence idea in Husserlian phenomenology. It is shown that in accordance with the paradigm of possibility as the common denominator of phenomenological attitude in general the very same criticized evidence becomes assimilated in Marion’s conception of “saturated phenomena” (a principle of hyperbolical givenness) and in Derridian deconstruction (hyperbolicity-excessiveness as heterogeneity and impossibility within the framework of his critique of presence). The author uncovers the essential connection between the idea of evidence and basic elements of deconstructive discourse, such as the metaphorical concept of secret and the quasi-concept différance.References
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Sang-Ki, K. (1976). The Problem of the Contingency of the World in Husserl's Phenomenology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Ströker, E. (1993). Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology. Stanford: Stanford UP.
Ströker, E. (1997). Husserl's Principle of Evidence: The Significance and Limitations of a Methodo-logical Norm of Phenomenology as a Science. In E. Ströker, The Husserlian Foundations of Science (pp. 45-82). Dordrecht: Springer, & Kluwer.
Zahavi, D. (2003). Husserl’s phenomenology. Stanford: Stanford UP.
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Ilyina, A. (2016). Idea of Evidence in Phenomenological Outlook: Deconstruction and Reactualization of Cartesian Legacy. First article: Excessiveness of Evidence. Sententiae, 35(2), 23–40.
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