The Doctrine of the Term and Its Types in the Philosophical Courses at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
term, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, early modern scholasticism, logicAbstract
The article conducts a comparative analysis of the teaching on the term by the professors of Kyiv-Mohyla academy in the 17th-18th centuries. There were studied 29 (out of 30) philosophical courses. Discussing the term, Mohylian professors primarily concentrated on its definition and different divisions. The term, according to their understanding, has certain ambiguity. On the one hand, it was considered as part of the proposition, i.e. the subject or the predicate. This meaning was clearly exposed in the definition of the term. On the other, examining different (about 20) divisions of the term, Mohylian professors transcended this Aristotelian understanding, and here the term became a basic semantic unit in logic. The article studies the differences among the courses in the explication of the main divisions of the term. It pays, moreover, some attention to several professors’ (Theophan Prokopovich, Ambrosii Dubnevych et al.) attempts at systematiz-ing those divisions. The article concludes that Mohylian teaching on the term was influenced by the early modern scholastic tradition. The divergences of opinions among professors were main-ly affected by different factions in this tradition.References
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Levytskyi, Ilarion (1719-21). Appia trita seu аtrium scientiae philosophicae… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 306, item 111p/64, fol. 1-603). VNLU, Kyiv.
Levytskyi, Ilarion (1723-25). Dialectica seu breve compendium initialis… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 312, item 631/406С, fol. 1-663). VNLU, Kyiv.
Malynovskyi, Platon (1721-23). Olympia philosophica ad cursum biennalem… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 306, item 115p/75, fol. 1-264v). VNLU, Kyiv.
Mytkevych, Yeronim (1733-35). Liber philosophae quadripartibus id est logica, methaphysica, physica et ethica… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 305, item DS/p170, fol. 1-321). VNLU, Kyiv.
Pinovskyj, Sylvestr (1713-15). Disputationes philosophiae in Collegio Kievomohilaeano Roxolano… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 306, item 103п/60, fol.1-216). VNLU, Kyiv.
Popovskyi, Inokentiy (1699-1702). Universa philosophia comentariis scholasticis illustrata… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 312, item 622/396С, fol. 1-631). VNLU, Kyiv.
Prokopovych, Teofan (1606-08). Philosophia peripatetica juxta numerum quatuor facultatum quadripertita… [Philosophical course]. The department of manuscripts, the collection of Saint-Petersburg Theological Seminary (item. 64, fol. 1-175). Russian National Library, Saint Petersburg.
Unknown author (ca. 1700). Disputationes philosophiae in alma Academia Kojovomohileana… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 301, item DA/p42, fol. 66 – 616). VNLU, Kyiv.
Volchanskyi, Yosyf (1715-17). Philosophia tripartita doctrinam Aristotelis de rebus dialecticis, physicis compraehendens… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 306, item 108p/62, fol. 1- 472.). Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), Kyiv.
Volchanskyi, Yosyf (1717-19). Philosophia universa doctrinam peripatheticam ad mentem principis philosophorum Arisotelis Stagyritae complectens… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 307, item 447p/1703, vol. І, fol. 1-174v). VNLU, Kyiv.
Yaroshevytskyi, Ilarion (1702). Cursus philosophicus doctrinam Aristotelis Stagiritae… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 301, item DA/p564, fol. 1-45v, 53-79). VNLU, Kyiv.
Yavorskyi, Stefan (1691-93). Agonium philosophicum in arena gymnadis… [Philosophical course]. The institute of manuscripts (collection 305, item DS/p152, fol. 1-585v). VNLU, Kyiv.
Aertsen, J. A. (2012). Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought. From Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1225) to Francisco Suarez. Leiden, & Boston: Brill.
Arriaga, R. de (1633). Cursus philosophicus. Antverpiae.
Asmus, V. F. (1947). Logic. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: UVPL.
Beebee, H. et al. (2011). Metaphysics. The Key Concepts. London, & New York: Routledge.
Broadie, A. (1993). Introduction to Medieval Logic (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford UP.
Compton Carleton, T. (1649). Philosophia universa. Antverpiae.
Crivelli, P. (2009). Aristotle on Signification and Truth. In G. Anagnostopoulos (Ed.), A Companion to Aristotle (pp. 81-100). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Hurtado de Mendoza, P. (1624). Universa philosophia. Lugduni.
Kenny, A. (2006). A New History of Western Philosophy. Vol. 3. The Rise of Modern Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Khomenko, I. V. (2010). Logic: theory and practice. A textbook. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Tsentr Uchbovoyi Literatury.
Konverskyi, A. Ye. (1998). Logic. A textbook. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Chetverta Khvyla.
Libera, A. (2014). Term. In: B. Cassin (Ed.), Dictionary of Untranslatables. A Philosophical Lexicon (pp. 1118-1124). Princeton: Princeton UP.
Lynch, R. [Linceus]. (1654). Universa philosophia scholastica. (T. 1). Lugduni.
Mastri da Meldola, B., & Belluto, B. (1727) Philosophiae ad mentem Scoti cursus integer (T. 1). Venetiis
Oviedo, F. de. (1640). Integer cursus philosophicus. Lugduni.
Poinsot, J. [Joannis a S. Thoma]. (1883). Cursus philosophicus thomisticus (T. 1). Parisiis.
Rosen, G. (2014). Abstract Objects. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
Shepetak, O. (2015). Logic. A textbook for students of institutions of high education. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Feniks.
Soto, D. (1554). In Dialecticam Aristotelis commentarii. Salmanticae.
Symchcyh, M. (2010). The doctrine of supposition in philosophical courses of Mohylean professors. [In Ukrainian]. Kyivan Academy, 8, 15
Symchych, M. (2009). Philosophia rationalis at Kyiv Mohyla Academy. Comparative analysis of Mohilean courses of logic at the end of 17th - the first half of the 18th centuries. [In Ukrainian]. Vinnytsa: O. Vlasuk.
Vdovina, G. V. (2009). The Language of unobvious. The teaching on signs in the scholasticism of the 17th century. [In Russian]. Moscow: St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History.
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Symchych, M. (2016). The Doctrine of the Term and Its Types in the Philosophical Courses at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Sententiae, 35(2), 166–185.
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