Inokentii Gizel: Some Metaphysical Questions from Philosophical Course




scholastic metaphysics, distinction between essence and existence, principle of individuation, subsistence, Thomism, Scotism


The investigation is devoted to Inokentii Gizel’s metaphyisical views, according to his philosophical course Opus totius philosophіae (Kyiv Mohyla Academy, 1645-1647); a passage of it, for the first time, deciphered and translated into Ukrainian, is published in the appendix to this article. The author analyzes Gizel’s position on the three important problems of scholastic metaphysics (the distinction between essence and existence, the principle of individuation and subsistence). The author argues that the solution of these questions completely agrees with Gizel’s «eclectic tendency» manifested in the combination of Thomistic and Scotistic ideas: Gizel follows Scotists in the questions about the distinction of essence and existence as well as the principle of existence; however, he accepts the Thomistic position in the issue of subsistence.

Author Biography

Mykola Symchych, Skovoroda’s Institute of Philosophy, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD in philosophy, research fellow at the Department of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy


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How to Cite

Symchych, M. (2013). Inokentii Gizel: Some Metaphysical Questions from Philosophical Course. Sententiae, 29(2), 147–151.






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