Kant's Table of Judgments and the Doctrine of the Judgment in the German Logic of XVIIIth Century





Kant, relation, quality, quantity, logic, thinking, modality, subject, predicate, judgments, table of judgments


The article focuses on the formation of Kant's table of judgments. The author proves the dependence of Kant's table of judgments on the doctrine of judgment in German 17th century logic. The author proves the influence of George Meier’s «Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre» on formation of the Kantian doctrine of judgment and the table of judgments. This effect consists in the fact that (1) the starting point for Kant's search of the concept of judgment was Meier's definition of judgment in § 292 of «Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre», (2) Kant's table of judgments in «Critique of Pure Reason» appeared as a follow-up of twenty-five critical reflection at §§ 292-352 of Meier's treatise. However, Kant's table of judgments depends also on transcendental logic. The original forms of judgment in Kant's table of judgments contain functional unities, which create the subject of a judgment. Kant's table of judgments depends on both German tradition of 17th century logic and the theory of subject as a part of Kant's transcendental logic.

Author Biography

Yurij Fedorchenko, independent educational consultant

PhD in philosophy


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How to Cite

Fedorchenko, Y. (2015). Kant’s Table of Judgments and the Doctrine of the Judgment in the German Logic of XVIIIth Century. Sententiae, 32(1), 47–59. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent32.01.047






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