Philosophical community and emancipation of thinking: experience of Alushta schools




History of Soviet philosophy, doublethink, intersubjectivity of discourse, scientific community, intellectual tradition


The article examines the methodological problems of the historical-philosophical research of the “Soviet philosophy.” The process of the emancipation of thinking is examined through the analysis of the tradition of the Alushta Schools of Young Philosophers in 1987–1993. These schools played a historically significant role in overcoming the prejudices and stereotypes of the Soviet consciousness by the Ukrainian philosophical community. The mentioned analysis led to a few conclusions regarding the methodology of historical-philosophical research of the intellectual legacy – primarily texts – of the Soviet era. (1) Soviet philosophy was certainly an anti-philosophy, a social machine of anti-thinking. (2) The basis of analyzing both texts and events of this philosophy should consider the phenomenon of doublethink – two simultaneous and parallel spaces of discourses’ (meanings’) existence. Doublethink reflects the situation when ideological officialdom, loyalty to which was necessary, and the opposing desire for true thinking coexisted. (3) This collision led to the development of and was characterized by a number of features: the “Aesopian language,” peculiar regimes of private trust, intellectual reservations, etc. The article corroborates that the change in the dynamics of the intellectual situation (language of philosophy, mode of communication, communities of intellectuals, ethos and ideals of scientific research, etc.) is the main subject of historical-philosophical research.

Author Biography

Sergii Proleiev, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics


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How to Cite

Proleiev, S. (2023). Philosophical community and emancipation of thinking: experience of Alushta schools. Sententiae, 42(2), 63–86.






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