Giacomo Zabarella’s treatise “De natura logicae”. To the problem of the creation of the methodological principles of the modern philosophy




logic, scholasticism, Aristotelianism, science, Padua School, art


The article is devoted to the treatise "De natura logicae" written by the most prominent representative of the Padua school Giacomo Zabarella. Based on the analysis of the arguments presented in this treatise and the assessment of various researchers regarding the role of Zabarella in the history of logic, the author shows that it was in the Italian Aristotelianism of the sixteenth century that a "methodological breakthrough" to the Modern philosophy was first made, so this period should be considered as a special stage in the development of philosophy. The author argues that the Padua School opens the way for a new type of rationality and introduces a new ideal of reliable knowledge, which gives new opportunities to the mathematical sciences and questions the reliability of metaphysical knowledge. Zabarella's example also proves that the principles of empirical and rationalist methodologies were formed within the framework of a type of nominalism and the justification of the primacy of epistemological and methodological approaches.


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How to Cite

Sekundant, S. (2005). Giacomo Zabarella’s treatise “De natura logicae”. To the problem of the creation of the methodological principles of the modern philosophy. Sententiae, 13(2), 29–53.






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