The socio-historical implications and impersonal understanding of authorship in Heidegger’s philosophy of art




On the basis of the analysis of the famous Heidegger’s text “The Origin of the Work of Art” the article proposes the interpretation of his aesthetics not only as anti-subjectivist, but also as socio-historically oriented. This essay takes the intermediate position between the early Heidegger-existentialist and late Heidegger-poetic thinker of Being. Both are characterized by the social abstractness as the first is concerned solely with the individual being of Dasein whereas the second fully concentrates on the Being as such accessible through the medium of the language as “the house of being”. It is “The Origin” delivered in the transitional period contains more concrete social implications. Its analysis shows that in spite of the abstract unhistorical character of Heidegger’s notions as they are traditionally perceived his aesthetics is interesting as it suggests the understanding of art as a revelation of socio-historical truth and the author as a medium of the truth but not its inventor, an autonomous subject.

Author Biography

Alexander Yudin, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD in philology, doctoral candidate at the Department of theory of literature, comparative, and creative writing Philology Institute


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How to Cite

Yudin, A. (2012). The socio-historical implications and impersonal understanding of authorship in Heidegger’s philosophy of art. Sententiae, 26(1), 95–109.






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