Mikhail Bakhtin’s “First” Philosophy and Aesthetics as an Attempt to Overcoming the Transcendental Approach in Philosophical Thought
Bakhtin, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Act, Transcendentalism, Hermeneutical Philosophy.Abstract
The article analyses M. M. Bakhtin’s early works “Art and Responsibility” and “Toward a Philosophy of Act” which show that the philosophical way of Russian thinker was essentially parallel to the path of Western philosophy from Heidegger to post-structuralism and at the same time was an original attempt to overcome the transcendental approach in philosophy and aesthetics. Bakhtin worked out his original “first” philosophy of being or moral philosophy as polemically opposed to the Western philosophy of mind and especially to Kant’s philosophy. But it was not free from certain transcendental moments connected with the orientation on the phenomenological method which later caused Bakhtin’s evolvution towards hermeneutical philosophy of language and culture.References
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Emerson, K. (1993). American Philosophers in the Light of the Bakhtinian Studies (William James, George Herbert Mead, John Dewey and Mikhail Bakhtin on the Philophy of the Act). [In Russian]. Dialogue. Carnivalaval. Chronotop. (2-3), 5-18.
Fokht, B. A. (2003). On Raising the Main Problem of Aesthetics by Kant and Cohen with View of Criticism of Main Concepts and Principles Applied by Kant to its Solution. [In Russian]. In B. A. Fokht, Selected Works (from Philosophical Legacy) (pp. 195-262). Moscow: Progress-Traditzija.
Holquist, M. (2010). The Heard Unheardness: Bakhtin and Derrida. [In Russian]. In V. L. Makhlin (Eds.), Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin (pp. 164-190). Moscow: ROSSPEN.
Isakov, A. N. (1991). Bakhtin's Philosophy of the Act and Transcendental and Phenomenological Tradition. [In Russian]. In K. G. Isupov et al. (Eds.), M. M. Bakhtin and Philosophic Culture of the 20th Century (The Problems of Bakhtinology) (Vol. 1, Part. 1, pp. 90-102). S.-Petersburg: Obrazovanie.
Isupov, K. G. (1990). M. M. Bakhtin Philosophical Anthropology. [In Russian]. In V. L. Makhlin (Ed.), Bakhtin's Collection (Vol. 1, pp. 30-46). Moscow: Prometey.
Kagan, M. S. (1976). Lectures on the History of Aesthetics (Book 3, Part 1). [In Russian]. Leningrad: Leningrad University Press.
Kagan, M. S. (1991). The Idea of Dialogue in M. Bakhtin's Philosophic and Aesthetic Conception: Formation, Spiritual Context ans Sociocultural Contents. [In Russian]. In K. G. Isupov et al. (Eds.), M.M. Bakhtin and Philosophic Culture of the 20th Century (The Problems of Bakhtinology) (Vol. 1, Part. 1, pp. 17-31). S.-Petersburg: Obrazovanie.
Kagan, Y. M. (2010). The People Not from Our Time. [In Russian]. In V. L. Makhlin (Ed.), Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin (pp. 34-46). Moscow: ROSSPEN.
Karachentseva, I. S., & Karachentseva, T. S. (1992). M. M. Bakhtin and J. Derrida: the Reader's Figure. [In Russian]. In A. F. Yeremeev (Ed.), M. M. Bakhtin: the Aesthetic Legacy and Modernity: Interuniversity Scientific Research Collection (Part. 2, pp. 183-189). Saransk: Mordovia University Press.
Kuyunzhich, D. (1990). The Laughter as the "Other" by Bakhtin and Derrida. [In Russian]. In V. L. Makhlin (Ed.), Bakhtin's Collection (Vol. 1, pp. 83-107). Moscow: Prometey.
Makhlin, V. L. (1990). M. M. Bakhtin's "Dialogism" as a Problem of Humanitarian Culture of the 20th Century. [In Russian]. In V. L. Makhlin (Ed.), Bakhtin's Collection (Vol. 1, pp. 107-129). Moscow: Prometey.
Medvedev, V. I. (1991). The Problem of Context by M. Bakhtin and in the Western Philosophy of Language. [In Russian]. In K. G. Isupov et al. (Eds.), M. M. Bakhtin and Philosophic Culture of the 20th Century (The Problems of Bakhtinology) (Vol. 1, Part 1, pp. 118-127). S.-Petersburg: Obrazovanie.
Nazintsev, V. V. (1991). The Thinker M. M. Bakhtin and the theoretician Heidegger. [In Russian]. In K. G. Isupov et al. (Eds.), M. M. Bakhtin and Philosophic Culture of the 20th Century (The Problems of Bakhtinology) (Vol. 1, Part 1, pp. 102-112). S.-Petersburg: Obrazovanie.
Nekrasov, S. V. (1998). The Utterance as the Subject of Phenomenological Investigation (Bakhtin and Husserl). [In Russian]. In Bakhtinian Readings. II. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Vitebsk, June, 24-26, 1996 (pp. 97-104). Vitebsk: Vitebsk State University Press.
Ponzo, A. (1995). "Otherness" in Bakhtin, Blanchot, and Levinas. [In Russian]. In K. G. Isupov (Ed.), Bakhtinology: Studies, Translations, Publications (pp. 61-78). S.-Petersburg: Aleteya.
Ryklin, M. K. (1992). Consciousness and Speech in M. M. Bakhtin's Conception. [In Russian]. In S. S. Averintsev et al. (Eds.), M. M. Bakhtin as a Philosopher (pp. 175-189). Moscow: Nauka.
Stolovich, L. N. (1989). M. M. Bakhtin and a Problem of Value. [In Russian]. In A. F. Yeremeev (Ed.), M. M. Bakhtin's Aesthetics and Modernity (pp. 25-27). Saransk: Mordovia University Press.
Zotov, A. F., & Melvil, Y. K. (1988). The Bourgeois Philosophy of the Middle of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Century. [In Russian]. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola.
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How to Cite
Yudin, A. (2012). Mikhail Bakhtin’s “First” Philosophy and Aesthetics as an Attempt to Overcoming the Transcendental Approach in Philosophical Thought. Sententiae, 27(2), 18–28. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent27.02.018
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