Evidentiality as Fundamental Problem of «Clear Scienсes» (Descartes and Husserl at the Sources of Conscience)





Because methodical doubt is a process of demarcation of scientific (clear) and non-scientific constructions, then in this process Descartes affirmed truly neo-positivistic principle. Descartes` rational transformation of thinking is usage methods of mechanical sciences to «sciences about spirit» attaching to them also natural status. But Descartes had not noticed that scientific obviousnesses with time turns into dogmas. That is why Husserl offered to describe phenomena after riching «epoche» about natural-scientific beliefs. Search of pretheoretical grounds of obviousness has led to loss of clarity and of its apodictic weight. Because «obviousnesses» were always founded on historico-philosophical invariant, then needed either reconsider Descartes «technique» or kernel of decomposition and reconstruct «laws of thinking» in respect to it.


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How to Cite

Okorokov, V. (2001). Evidentiality as Fundamental Problem of «Clear Scienсes» (Descartes and Husserl at the Sources of Conscience). Sententiae, 3(1), 30–39. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent03.01.030






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