Logic, Mathematics or Metaphysics: and Yet, is the Leibniz’ Conception Enough Well-Grounded?


  • Viktor Okorokov Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University




epistemology, metaphysics, logic, math, critical philosophy, Kant, Leibniz


Whether Leibniz was a metaphysicist or a dogmatic philosopher? We argue that S. Secundant in his book 1) convincingly proved that the epistemology of Leibniz played a leading role in relation to his metaphysics; 2) described in detail its critical foundation. The significant scientific achievement of S. Secunant is the analysis of the differences in the grounds of Leibniz’ epistemology and Kant's critique, as well as evidence of a more profound nature of the tasks and normative bases the first of them.

Author Biography

Viktor Okorokov, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Professor, professor at the Department of philosophy,


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Abstract views: 422



How to Cite

Okorokov, V. (2013). Logic, Mathematics or Metaphysics: and Yet, is the Leibniz’ Conception Enough Well-Grounded?. Sententiae, 29(2), 204–218. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent29.02.204



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