Towards an ontology of Blaise Pascal's "flaming spaces" (reason, faith and existence)




rationalism, Cartesianism, existential reconditions for the constitution of ontology, the concept of horror, Modern philosophy


Author claims that Pascal proposes a way of constituting ontology which is fundamentally different from the Cartesian way that formed the basis of Modern philosophy. In particular, the author associates the "fiery" constitution of ontology in Pascal's philosophy with the existential preconditions for such constitution, the main of which are: 1) the revelation of the transcendent in human experience; 2) the inevitable awareness of man's limitations in relation to the transcendent; 3) the feeling of horror caused by the encounter with the fundamentally infinite transcendent, which cannot be exhaustively ontologically thematized. These premises explain, according to the author, the "fiery" nature of ontological thought in Pascal's philosophy as a direct antagonist to the "cold" thought of Cartesianism that is based on the assumption of the fundamental possibility of mental grasping and thematization of all existence.


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How to Cite

Okorokov , V. . (2000). Towards an ontology of Blaise Pascal’s "flaming spaces" (reason, faith and existence). Sententiae, 1(1), 102–110.






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