Leibniz and Kabbalah


  • Sergiy Seсundant I. Mechnikov Odessa National University http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6724-4956
  • Ruslan Melamed I. Mechnikov Odessa National University




The main objective of this paper is to determine whether the mystical currents and, inparticular, a cabbalah one have influenced the formation of the Leibniz's philosophicalsystem. Authors try to prove that the philosophy of Leibniz is based on the rational bases.If it is possible to speak about Leibniz's mysticism it is rather a Christian mysticism, thanthe Cabbalistic. It concerns mainly relations between the person and God, but not thesystem of Leibniz, which excludes any ambiguity and does not provide for any mysticintervention in a course of nature. And though Leibniz's mysticism concerns one of thebasic concepts of his rationalistic system concept of natural light, – nevertheless it ismuch more correctly to speak about rationalization of mysticism by Leibniz, than aboutthe mystical bases of his rationalism.

Author Biographies

Sergiy Seсundant, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and basics of the humanities

Ruslan Melamed, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

Applicant for PhD in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy andbasics of the humanities


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Abstract views: 396



How to Cite

Seсundant S., & Melamed, R. (2010). Leibniz and Kabbalah. Sententiae, 22(1), 86–101. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent22.01.086






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