Was Leibniz an eclectic philosopher?


  • Sergiy Seсundant I. Mechnikov Odessa National University




eclecticism, syncretism, Leibniz's philosophy, system and method


The author considers that for the correct solution of a question on Leibniz's relation to eclecticism it is necessary to differentiate accurately concepts of "philosophical ideology" and "philosophical system". Leibniz apprehended many principles of philosophical ideology of eclecticism and used them for creation of his system. He wasn't, however, eclectic thinker since he constructed his universal system of knowledge on the basis of uniform system of the normative principles. Nevertheless, it is possible to call Leibniz a syncretic thinker if to use this term for characteristic his religious position, but not a philosophical.

Author Biography

Sergiy Seсundant, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and basics of the humanities


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How to Cite

Seсundant S. (2013). Was Leibniz an eclectic philosopher?. Sententiae, 29(2), 78–90. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent29.02.078






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