Subject and certainty. Normative and critical principles of Leibniz’s notion of subject




Examining the problem of subject in close relation with the problem of certainty, Leibniz demarcates in this matter several different points of view and, respectively, sev-eral different notions of subject. Therefore, although Leibniz uses the term “subject” pre-dominantly in metaphysical meaning, in the controversies, nevertheless, he distinguishes at least five meanings of this term: empirical, gnosiological, epistemical, phenomenologi-cal and metaphysical. Since he understood philosophy as the constantly developing sys-tem, and its development– expression of human spirit striving for bigger certainty, the bearer of such knowledge Leibniz views niether empirical nor even the transcendental subject, but the whole humanity in the history of its development. The God in Leibniz’ system also is the special kind of subject.

Author Biography

Sergiy Seсundant, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and basics of the humanities


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How to Cite

Seсundant S. (2011). Subject and certainty. Normative and critical principles of Leibniz’s notion of subject. Sententiae, 24(1), 26–39.






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