Ideological Interpretations of Nietzsche’s Philosophical Views in the Ukrainian Cultural Context (the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries)




ideology, critique of culture, Ukrainian philosophy, Ukrainian Nietzscheanism


The paper states that, in Ukrainian reception of his philosophy, Nietzsche appears to be a highly ambivalent thinker. Nietzsche himself often defined his philosophizing as ambiguous, and so in this article I try to explicate the different fluctuations in the reception of his ideas. I follow the transformation and adaptation of some of Nietzsche’s key ideas which, in Ukrainian context,  got unexpected formulations and ideological connotations. Drawing on this, I argue that most significant elements in the Ukrainian reception are connected to the literary reading of Nietzscheanism. Finally, the main topics of Ukrainian Nietzscheanism are related to ‘historical nihilism’ as a diagnosis of culture. The article traces how Nietzsche’s ideas became a powerful tool in critical approach to naturalism, emotional writing and provincialism. The important characteristics that developed the ideas of Nietzscheanism in Ukraine include the following points. The desire to find a strong man (Kobylyanska, Vynnychenko, Semenko). The problem of individual freedom and its place in  society, as well as the criticism of obscurantism (Ukrainska Khata). The understanding of the critical moments in history and actualization of creativity (Khvyliovyj, Rylskyj). The openness to interpretation, discussion, and diagnosis of the cultural conditions (members of the Prague school). The re-evaluation of the role of morality and religion, the awareness of the tragedy of being and finally, the search for the balance between intelligence and voluntarism (Lypynsky, Dontsov).

Author Biography

Taras Lyuty, National university of 'Kyiv Mohyla academy

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious studies


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How to Cite

Lyuty, T. (2017). Ideological Interpretations of Nietzsche’s Philosophical Views in the Ukrainian Cultural Context (the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries). Sententiae, 36(1), 71–82.






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