Formation of the Philosophical Concept of System in Modern Time Philosophy: Clemens Timpler




philosophical system, peripateticism, ramisme, metaphysics, art, science


The paper shows Timpler's contribution to development of a philosophical concept of system. The author proves that in this area Timpler has made the following important innovations: (1) Differentiation of the concepts of science and system. Identifying system with external art, Timpler emphasizes thereby a practical importance of the theoretical knowledge too. (2) He premises to system in strict sense the so-called "technology" which assumes some traditional functions of metaphysics. "Technology" treats about the nature and structure of arts, and also formulates the normative principles according to which any system is to be built. (3) He preserves the fundamental nature of metaphysics and significantly expands its subject. According to Timpler, the subject of metaphysics is not being, but intelligible. The metaphysical categories are considered by him not as kinds of being, but as ultimate bases of the intelligible. (4) Though he keeps Keckerman’s concept of system as system of instructions, the metaphysics is represented as system of the categories located in a methodical order. (5) Metaphysical categories are considered by him not as arts of beings, but as the last bases of intelligible. Categories determine the last principles of all intelligible. The author marks out four understandings of system at Timpler: as system of external arts (system of instructions; this understanding is the basic), as system of sciences (system of the acquired dispositions), as encyclopedia (system of arts) and as system of categories (metaphysics). Despite influence of neo-scholastics, ramisme, peripateticism and other methodological traditions, in this case one can tell about forming of new methodological direction in the philosophy of XVІІ century, namely “systematic direction” differing from syncretism and eclecticism.

Author Biography

Sergiy Secundant, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

doctor of sciences in philosophy, associated professor of Department of Philosophy and Grounds of Humanities


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How to Cite

Secundant, S. (2016). Formation of the Philosophical Concept of System in Modern Time Philosophy: Clemens Timpler. Sententiae, 35(2), 41–56.






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