“Тhe Other” against “the Same”: Postmodern Interpretation and Historico-philosophical Commentation


  • Oxana Yosypenko Skovoroda Institute of philosophy NAS Ukraine




postmodern, interpretation, criteria of interpretation, legitimacy of interpretation, historico-philosophical canon, arbitrary interpretation, pluralism of sense, philosophical-literary discourse type


This article proposes the historico-philosophical analysis of interpretative practices of French postmodernist philosophers through their contextualization in intellectual debate and social-institutional conditions of production of philosophical knowledge in French in the 60-70 of the 20th century. Philosophical strategies of postmodernism are placed in the context of «interpretative wars» that took place between historians of philosophy and new interpreters (Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Lyotard). The article considers specificity and the new criteria of postmodern interpretation that appears as a radicalization of hermeneutics on the terrain of semiology and, simultaneously, focuses on literature as a new model of philosophical discourse. The article examines the main contradictions of postmodern project that does not allow it to become “the other” in the fight against “the same” in French philosophy. Demonstrating the incompatibility of postmodern pluralism of sense and the historical-philosophical principles of objectivity and contextualization, the author introduces the distinction between historico-philosophical studies and philisophizing that appeals to philosophical texts of the past.

Author Biography

Oxana Yosypenko, Skovoroda Institute of philosophy NAS Ukraine

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Senior research fellow


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How to Cite

Yosypenko, O. (2016). “Тhe Other” against “the Same”: Postmodern Interpretation and Historico-philosophical Commentation. Sententiae, 34(1), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent34.01.111






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