Conceptuality of the Intuition: Sellars сompletes Kant’s Epistemology




Kant, consciousness, intention, intuition, sensibility, modal logic, perceptual taking, imagination, synthesis


The article deals with Wilfrid Sellars’ interpretation of Kant’s concept of intuition. The author demonstrates that Sellars’ two-aspect view follows both basic Kantian distinction between the noumenal and the phenomenal, and his division of the cognitive capacities. Meanwhile, on the ground of unifying intensional semantics and productive imagination, Sellars completes Kantian model of cognition by eliminating the sharp opposition between passive sensibility and active reason. Thus Sellars makes the mechanism of transcendental logic unified in the context of modal logic. The author argues that such approach would be successful if guided by a principal rejection of the idea of pure synthesis as well as the hard version of apriorism. In general, the conceptualistic-and-categorial treatment of intuition helps to (a) overcome contradictory predicates problem, (b) bring together Critical philosophy and Scientific Realism. Also, using the Kantian doctrine of double affection, it (c) makes possible to describe the theory of meaning as a part of the theory of truth.

Author Biography

Vyacheslav Tsyba, Nizhyn Gogol State University

PhD, Lecturer, Department of History and Law Sciences


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How to Cite

Tsyba, V. (2016). Conceptuality of the Intuition: Sellars сompletes Kant’s Epistemology. Sententiae, 34(1), 42–60.






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