Two sources of Heidegger’s metaphysical thinking




With the help of Martin Heidegger’s early writings the role of Western philosophicaltradition in thinker’s becoming is explored in the paper. Particularly, two basic sources ofthis tradition are examined – Ancient Greek (with the special accent on Aristotle) andChristian (beginning from an apostle Paul to Soeren Kierkegaard). Each of these sourcesin its special way promoted the crystallization of the further Heidegger’s philosophicaldevelopment.The essence of this approach lies in the fact that human existence is considered as concretelyfactual and time-historical. That is, the specific of the man is defined here not withthe help of theoretical self-consciousness but with the ability to interpret one’s own lifetaking into account factuality and historicity of the concrete hermeneutic situation.


Author Biography

Andriy Dakhniy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of the History of PhilosophyDepartment


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How to Cite

Dakhniy, A. (2010). Two sources of Heidegger’s metaphysical thinking. Sententiae, 22(1), 63–74.






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