Authenticity in Face of Death: Thanatological Problematics in the Thinking of M. Heidegger and L. Tolstoy




Authenticity, Death, Thanatology, Heidegger, Tolstoy, Authentic Existence, Existential Thinkingю


The article analyzes phenomenon of death in the interpretation of existential thinking. Existential thinking, being interdisciplinary, involves both philosophical and literary approaches. This is illustrated by the texts of M. Heidegger and L. Tolstoy. Both authors belong to the tradition of thinking, which receives death as an essential way for the understanding of human life. So the concept of authentic existence moves to the foreground. Besides, attention is focused on the aspect of death of the other.

Author Biography

Andriy Dakhniy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in philosophy, Associate Professor of the History of Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 731



How to Cite

Dakhniy, A. (2012). Authenticity in Face of Death: Thanatological Problematics in the Thinking of M. Heidegger and L. Tolstoy. Sententiae, 27(2), 67–76.






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