Establishment of existentially-temporal problematics in Martin Heidegger's philosophy: Marburg lecture «The concept of time» (1924)




On the basis of Marburg lecture «The concept of time» (1924) the sources of statement and elaboration of time question in M. Heidegger's philosophy are discovered in the article. The time is examined by a thinker foremost in existentially-philosophical area which is differentiated from the religious one and opposed to the scientifically-physicalistic perspective. In this contrasting the emphasis is made on the question «How?» but not «What?» in relation to the time: on the future, but not on the present. Consequently, there is a demonstration of the philosopher's attainment of the range of problems of human's extremity and deathrate. It is presented made by M. Heidegger an approximation of temporality and existentiality, which manifests itself in the specific features of being-there (Dasein). Also, it is briefly emphasized a connection between ex-amined lecture and «Being and time».

Author Biography

Andriy Dakhniy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in philosophy, Associate Professor of the History of Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 324



How to Cite

Dakhniy, A. (2010). Establishment of existentially-temporal problematics in Martin Heidegger’s philosophy: Marburg lecture «The concept of time» (1924). Sententiae, 23(2), 64–78.






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