Solovyov’s Followers: A. Blok – the Knight of the Stranger. Article 1. The Creation of a Beautiful Lady


  • Vsevolod Kuznetsov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Lubov Nerusheva Kotsiubynskyj State Teachers' training University of Vinnytsia



A. Blok, Beautiful Lady, Erotosophia, V. Solovyov, Eternal Feminineness.


This work continues the series of articles devoted to erotosophia of the Silver Age. It deals with the formation of Blok’s philosophy of Love and gender. The authors raise the issue of relations between Blok’s erotosophia and the V. Solovyov’s philosophy of Eternal Feminineness. The problem in question is whether Blok can be considered to be Solovyov’s disciple or not. The article treats the representation of the poet’s point of view about Eternal Feminineness and his peculiar views on religion and mysticism. The authors analyse in details Blok’s texts devoted to Beautiful Lady and the history of relationship between him and Liubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva-Blok, known as so called “Earthly Embodiment of the Universal Source of Feminineness”.

Author Biographies

Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Senior lecturer at the Department of Philosophy

Lubov Nerusheva, Kotsiubynskyj State Teachers' training University of Vinnytsia

Lecturer at the Department of History of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Kuznetsov, V., & Nerusheva, L. (2012). Solovyov’s Followers: A. Blok – the Knight of the Stranger. Article 1. The Creation of a Beautiful Lady. Sententiae, 27(2), 97–145.






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