Petro Demchuk: the last years of his life




philosophy of Ukraine of the 20th cent., political repressions, Executed Renaissance, dialectical materialism, Hegel, archive studies, methods and approaches of the history of philosophy


The details of Petro Demchuk's life in the Solovetsky camps (1934-1937) have not yet been covered in the historico-philosophical literature. The article reconstructs this fragment of the philosopher's biography using thoroughly described documents from Demchuk's prison file. The general biographical data provided in these documents are clarified by comparing them with the materials of Demchuk's personal file (1927-1928).

Author Biography

Illia Davidenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Postgraduate student at Faculty of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 111



How to Cite

Davidenko, I. (2024). Petro Demchuk: the last years of his life. Sententiae, 43(2), 130–141.






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