Vasyl Lisovyi on the history of Ukraine’s philosophy of the 20th century: a contribution to the discussion




philosophy of Ukraine in 1960-1980s., Vasyl Lisovyi,, methods and approaches of the history of philosophy, dialectical materialism


This paper is the first part of a study that examines the models of Ukrainian philosophy’s (1960–1980s) historization. The paper analyzes one of these models, proposed by Vasyl Lisovyi in the article “Ukrainian Philosophical Thought of the 60s–80s of the 20th Century.” Reconstructing this model, I argue that one can legitimately summarize it in eight main theses: 1) the Ukrainian philosophy of this period is a component of philosophy as it developed and existed in Soviet times; 2) philosophy in Soviet times can be periodized according to the leader-centric principle; 3) representatives of this philosophy demonstrate three basic patterns of behavior: conflict, revisionism, and conformism; 4) revisionist researchers did not comprise a unified movement; 5) leading trends of this philosophy are analytical and creative dialectical-materialistic; 6) basic principles of the dialectical-materialist philosophy are metaphysicality and speculativeness; 7) the “discussion of the logicians and dialecticians” showed the groundlessness of dialectical philosophy’s claims to the status of the only true and “scientific” philosophy; 8) after the collapse of the USSR, the dialectical-materialist philosophy was rejected as unpromising due to its speculative nature and lack of conclusiveness.

Author Biography

Illia Davidenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Postgraduate student


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Abstract views: 626



How to Cite

Davidenko, I. (2023). Vasyl Lisovyi on the history of Ukraine’s philosophy of the 20th century: a contribution to the discussion. Sententiae, 42(2), 47–62.






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