Kant: morality, anthropology, conscience. Kozlovskyi, V. (2023). Kantian Anthropology. Sources. Constellations. Models. Kyiv: Duh i Litera.





German idealism, studies of German philosophy in Ukraine, Kant studies, "rational beings", devoid of conscience, radical evil, genocidal war


Review of Kozlovskyi, V. (2023). Kantian Anthropology. Sources. Constellations. Models. Kyiv: Duh i Litera.

Author Biography

Vlada Davidenko, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

PhD student


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How to Cite

Davidenko, V. (2023). Kant: morality, anthropology, conscience. Kozlovskyi, V. (2023). Kantian Anthropology. Sources. Constellations. Models. Kyiv: Duh i Litera. Sententiae, 42(2), 111–118. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent42.02.111



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