Translations and interpretations of the philosophical course by Stephan Kalynovskyi: Soviet tradition and its remnants




Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, François Le Rées, soviet philosophy, plagiarism


The article analyzes the translations and interpretations of the philosophical course Stephan Kalynovskyi taught at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 1729–1731. Drawing on unpublished translations, editorial corrections, letters, etc., the author reconstructs the history of this course’s translation for the first time, which began in the late 1960s. The author analyzes whether the researchers transcribed and translated the handwritten Latin text correctly and to what extent their interpretations of the course’s philosophical ideas are valid. The article demonstrates that researchers neither had the proper knowledge of the scholastic philosophical tradition and, in some cases, its specific type of Latin nor created the necessary critical apparatus. It resulted in many flaws in their works. Ukrainian philosophers grossly misinterpreted Kalynovskyi’s course because they found the Enlightenment, Cartesian, and local Ukrainian ideas in the text, written in Paris in the 1630s. The author also demonstrates that contemporary studies of Kalynovskyi’s course mostly repeat dubious Soviet ideas, while several dishonest scholars even practice plagiarism.

Author Biography

Mykola Fediai, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

 master of history (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), master of East European studies (University of Warsaw), postgraduate student of the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Fediai, M. (2023). Translations and interpretations of the philosophical course by Stephan Kalynovskyi: Soviet tradition and its remnants. Sententiae, 42(2), 23–46.






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