Transcendental-Anthropological Groundings of Creative Thinking in I. Kant Metaphysics


  • Volodymyr Pronyakin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



Author thinks that Kant's critique of metaphysics is motivated by creative need in execution of the possibility of a holistic world-view. By directing thought to the sphere of theoretically appropriate, Kant gives metaphysics anthropological sense which strengthens his motivation. Anthropologist metaphysics gives motivation to creativity of philosophical thinking by opening volition to connect ontological and axiological in philosophical subject: it gives completeness to worldview. But scientific conscience has not overcome non-critical fantasies that scientific intellect can cognize the last truths about the world without any intensional implicatures of anthropological origin yet. Anthropological method of critical thinking makes scientific intellect holistic and reflexive without censoring religious nature of humankind.


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How to Cite

Pronyakin, V. (2001). Transcendental-Anthropological Groundings of Creative Thinking in I. Kant Metaphysics. Sententiae, 3(1), 39–50.






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