”Sex is always the center…” Philosophy of Love by V. V. Rosanov


  • Vsevolod Kuznetsov Vinnytsia National Technical University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2311-4022
  • Lubov Nerusheva Kotsiubynskyj State Teachers' training University of Vinnytsia




This paper is dedicated to V. V. Rosanov views on the issue of sexual love. Analyzing the system of Rosanov’s notions of the God, nature and sex, authors show how the philosopher is trying to create pansexualistic quasireligious doctrine versus Christianity. The thinker is referred to as a radical ideologist of mystical-erotic revolution and a mouthpiece of peculiar to Russian culture trend towards the construction of a national religion.

Author Biographies

Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Applicant for PhD in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy

Lubov Nerusheva, Kotsiubynskyj State Teachers' training University of Vinnytsia

Lecturer at the Department of History of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 571



How to Cite

Kuznetsov, V., & Nerusheva, L. (2010). ”Sex is always the center…” Philosophy of Love by V. V. Rosanov. Sententiae, 22(1), 147–182. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent22.01.147






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