Deleuze as a Researcher of Leibniz’s philosophy: Matter and its pleats




Gilles Deleuze in his work «Fold. Leibniz and the Baroque» examines the Leibniz’s philosophical connections and Baroque artistic style. Specifically, in the first chapter, called «The pleats of matter», says about fold going to infinity; according to Deleuze, Baroque refers not to an essence, but rather to an operative function, to a trait. Baroque does not produce the fold, but it coils and pleats, so directs to infinity. These folds, Baroque pleats according to two directions, two floors: the pleats of matter and the folds of the soul. Two floors are combining, forms a continuity. This large mounting Leibniz builds between the bottom floor with reach-through windows and top, floor dark and closed. Deleuze showed that in Leibniz’s philosophy a curvature of the universe is tracing according to three basic concepts: fluidity of matter, body’s elasticity and the spring mechanism. The universe is compressed by a certain active force which provides a curvilinear motion of matter.

Author Biography

Pavlo Bartusyak, Vinnitsia National Technical University

Applicant for PhD in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy


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Deleuze G. L'image-temps. Cinéma 2. Paris: Minuit. 1985. 378 p.

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Deleuze G. Marcel Proust et les signes. Paris: PUF. 1964. 91 p.

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Deleuze G. Pourparlers : 1972. 1990. Paris: Minuit. 1990. 249 p.

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Deleuze G. Spinoza et le problème de l'expression. Paris: Minuit. 1968b. 332 p.

Deleuze G. The Fold. Leibniz and the Baroque. Foreword and translation by Tom Conley. London: Continuum. 2006. 196 p.

Deleuze G., Guattari F. Capitalisme et chizophrénie : T. 1: l'Anti-OEdipe. Paris: Minuit. 1973. 493 c.

Deleuze G., Guattari F. Capitalisme et chizophrénie : T. 2: Mille plateaux. Paris: Minuit. 1980. 645 p.

Deleuze G., Guattari F. Kafka: Pour une littérature mineure. Paris: Minuit. 1975. 159 p.

Deleuze G., Guattari F. Qu'est ce que la philosophie? Paris: Minuit. 1991. 206 p.

Éribon D. Les cimaises du philosophe (Rencontre avec Gilles Deleuze). Le Nouvel Observateur. Paris. 1988. sept. 9.

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How to Cite

Bartusyak, P. (2010). Deleuze as a Researcher of Leibniz’s philosophy: Matter and its pleats. Sententiae, 22(1), 129–146.






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