The rhizomatic constituetion of sense




An analysis of the concepts rhizome, plateau, event, sense and their use in philosophical conception of G. Deleuze are given in the article. The possibility is demonstrated and proved to be interpreted the concept of sense in the light of steady, explasive desentralized and broken rhizome’s line of force. Viewed other conceptions of the sense in the history of philosophy through their relation to the Deleuze’s conception and their fundamental difference from it. Designated the possibility to consider some concepts of philosophy of Deleuze involving other, forming so the rhizomatic constituetion. A strong connection of the sense with the event and event with the action are demonstrating, so the example of the Ukrainian language appears obviously. The Deleuze’s conception attached for event a autonomy and that autonomy appears rather positive than negative, because the events are still the events a long as someone does not appropriate them. Appropriating such an event, so to speak “restriction of autonomy” gives rise to what Deleuze calls the sense.

Author Biography

Pavlo Bartusyak, Vinnitsia National Technical University

Applicant for PhD in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Bartusyak, P. (2009). The rhizomatic constituetion of sense. Sententiae, 21(2), 104–113.






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