Avicenna and Avicennism in the Muslim Philosophical Thought on Ukrainian lands: Post-Classical Period





The article is dedicated to the development of Avicennism in the Ukrainian lands, first of all, in the works of Muslim thinkers who came from the South of Ukraine during the early Modern Era. Giving the importance of the legacy of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) for the Muslim philosophical and theological thought, the question arises of those areas of knowledge that have become common to both approaches. Since ontology of Ibn Sina is meant, in particular the idea of ​​a corresponding gradation of being ("necessary – possible – Impossible"), as well as understanding the very existence as a predicate, both theological and philosophical tradition developed in the direction that was prescribed by the early avicennian commentators. On the basis of the study of the heritage of the Muslim scholars coming from Ukraine (Abu al-Baqa’ al-Kafawi, Muhammad al-Kafawi, Muhammad al-Aqkirmani), the reception of not only "theological avicennicism", but also the works of ibn Sina was adressed. If the initial period (and this is characteristic of the Abu al-Baqa al-Kafawi’s works), Avicennism was considered more descriptively, while the thinkers of the 18th century (Muhammad al-Kafawi and Muhammad al-Aqkirmani) have already made significant efforts to address the corresponding problems that left in “classic Avicennicism" (problem of divine knowledge of infinity, etc.). Based on the relevant manuscripts, some of which are first introduced into scientific circulation, the study makes the following conclusion: the understanding of Avicenism coming from the "Muslim part" of Ukraine as a whole was generall related to the developments in the the Middle Eastern philosophical process of those times. Nevertheless, some local features of the tradition were traced as well.

Author Biography

Mykhaylo Yakubovych, The National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh, Ukraine

PhD, Seniour Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Yakubovych, M. (2019). Avicenna and Avicennism in the Muslim Philosophical Thought on Ukrainian lands: Post-Classical Period. Sententiae, 38(1), 27–40. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent38.01.027






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