Comments to the Ukrainian translation of al-Farabi’s treatise “Epistle Indicating the Way to Happiness”




Al-Farabi, Arabic Neoplatonism, Ethics, Virtues, Virtuous City


The commentary dwells on certain features of al-Farabi’s work Risala fi Tanbih ‘ala Sabil al-Saadah and first of all the “Islamic” and universalist visions of the text. It explores the essential ethical doctrine of al-Farabi: the notions of “good deeds”, “appropriate states of soul” and, finally, “good distinction”. The strict observance of these "means" in pursuit of happiness leads, according to al-Farabi, to perfection of one’s virtues. It is concuded that al-Farabi links rationality and ethics placing his logical views in the context of eudemonism. The translation and commentary show that al-Farabi's ethics is integrated in his project  of making “virtuos city” (al-madinah al-fadhilah). The commentary also elucidates the meanings of  al-Farabi’s therms.

Author Biography

Mykhaylo Yakubovych, Національний університет «Острозька академія»

кандидат історичних наук, старший науковий співробітник


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How to Cite

Yakubovych, M. (2017). Comments to the Ukrainian translation of al-Farabi’s treatise “Epistle Indicating the Way to Happiness”. Sententiae, 36(1), 105–108.






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