Property as the Projection of Freedom and the Basis of Law in Kant’s Doctrine




law, property, freedom, notion, appropriation, takeover, reason


The article is focused on Kant’s theory of law. Kant strives to deduce it from the concept of freedom, but the material basis of law is property. Law and property appear as projections of freedom. The author substantiates the idea that the theory of law on this base became possible thanks to Kant's special concept of freedom: the subject's freedom as the law of reason is directed at the external world and requires its realization — first of all, in a plot of land. These special concepts of freedom and property cause the characteristic features of Kant's theory of law which has evoked a lot of controversies.

Author Biography

Sergii Shevtsov, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

doctor of sciences in philosophy, associated professor


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How to Cite

Shevtsov, S. (2015). Property as the Projection of Freedom and the Basis of Law in Kant’s Doctrine. Sententiae, 33(2), 108–124.






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