Heidegger’s «arbitrary» reading of Kant: the overcoming of Neo-Kantianism and temporalization of transcendental schematism





sensibility, understanding, transcendental schematism, metaphysics, time, transcendental faculty of imagination, gnoseologism, temporariness, finitude, Neo-Kantianism


The paper examines the influence of Kant's theoretical philosophy on formation of phenomenological interpretation of temporal issues in Heidegger's thinking, both in terms of his positive perception of Kant's recent approaches (schematism of pure conceptions of understanding, transcendental faculty of imagination as a primary temporariness and as the essence of human being), as well as in terms of negative repulsion (proposition of ontological alternatives to Kant's Gnoseologism, criticism of his attempt to replace basically temporal transcendental faculty of imagination with atemporal understanding). The paper emphasizes specificity and even "arbitrariness" of Heidegger's interpretation of Kantian theoretical philosophizing. This interpretation fits into the strategy of destruction of Western metaphysics, but significantly differs the Neo-Kantianism interpretations in focusing not so much on limited cognitive capacity, but rather on the limitations of human existence as such. Finally, it is shown that Heidegger attempted to demonstrate the structuring of the sense of being via schematism of ecstatic-horizontal temporariness inspired by Kant's influence.

Author Biography

Аndriy Dakhniy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in philosophy, Associate Professor of the History of Philosophy Department


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How to Cite

Dakhniy А. (2015). Heidegger’s «arbitrary» reading of Kant: the overcoming of Neo-Kantianism and temporalization of transcendental schematism. Sententiae, 32(1), 72–87. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent32.01.072






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