Giovanni Gentile’s Actualism




Giovanni Gentile, Giambattista Vico, actualism, truth, verum-factum, Italian Idealism, German Idealism, spiritual reality, selfthematization of the subject in object


This article deals with the structure of argument in the General Theory of Mind as a Pure Act by Italian Idealist philosopher Giovanni Gentile. Special attention was paid to the philosophic context of his theory. The author claims that Gentile’s theory has two main sources, namely the theory of truth formulated by Giambattista Vico in The New Science (1744) and the theories of Kant and German Idealists (Fichte, Hegel). It was elucidated the main claim of Gentile’s theory which consists in pointing out an epistemic dependence of the objective reality on the selfthematization of the subject in object. Such an epistemic dependence Gentile calls the spiritual reality.

Author Biography

Ivan Ivashchenko, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

PhD in philosophy, master’s student


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Abstract views: 1058



How to Cite

Ivashchenko, I. (2014). Giovanni Gentile’s Actualism. Sententiae, 30(1), 80–93.






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