On the concept of national philosophy: a view from antiquity





ancient philosophy, national philosophy, argumentation, early Ionian thinkers, Isocrates, Plato, Gorgias


The idea of national philosophy is often expanded to ancient doctrines and problems. This is inappropriate but possible due to a number of clichés in contemporary understanding of philosophy, such as the reduction of philosophy to life experience and identification of philosophy with journalism and ideology. The author presents several arguments against these positions basing on various texts of early Ionian thinkers, Aristotle, Isocrates, Gorgias. Philosophy in Ancient Greece was understood as a critical practice of reasonable debates that implied a commitment to specific school or position and conscientious civil position of the philosopher. It was classic Greece where this understanding of philosophy formed as a combination of three conditions: citizen’s virtue → rhetorician’s persuasiveness → philosopher’s best knowledge (i.e., truth), that accompanied philosophy for the last 25 centuries. On that ground any discussion of national philosophy (Russian, Nenets, Bantu etc.) will be correct only if all of these conditions would be realized in any discourse, and this discourse would correspond to specific disciplinary features mentioned above.

Author Biography

Marina Volf, Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Sciences in philosophy, assistant professor, head of the department of the history and philosophy of science in the Institute


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Abstract views: 427



How to Cite

Volf, M. (2014). On the concept of national philosophy: a view from antiquity. Sententiae, 30(1), 24–38. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent30.01.024






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