Peirce vs Descartes: experience and metaphysics




Metaphysics, C. S. Peirce, Descartes, Experience, Pragmatism.


The article analyzes understanding of metaphysics in C.S.Peirce’s philosophy of Pragmatism and describes four main meanings of its basic concept of experience. Peirce’s criticism against Descartes is treated from the point of contemporary history of philosophy that strives for detailed reconstruction of terminological resources of past teachings. The author proves that, despite Peirce’s deep knowledge of the texts of Descartes, his interpretation of Cartesian philosophy is based on unremovable retrospective modernization of the system of concepts as used by the French philosopher. Peirce treats Descartes’ concepts of experience, metaphysics, clarity, consciousness, subject as imperfect versions of similar concepts in the scientific philosophy of the late 19th century.

Author Biography

Olena Ratnikova, H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

Applicant for PhD in philosophy


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How to Cite

Ratnikova, O. (2012). Peirce vs Descartes: experience and metaphysics. Sententiae, 27(2), 85–96.






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