Zinaida Luzina: White Spots on the Map of the Philosophy of the «Executed Renaissance» Era





Vasyl Lisovyi, Ukrainian philosophy of the 20th century, archival studies, women in philosophy, history of academic institutions, biography


The first commented edition of the text of Zinaida Luzina’s Curriculum vitae autograph, based on the material of her academic files as well as other documents and periodicals of the 1920s and 1930s.

Author Biography

Ryenat Shvets, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

master student at the Faculty of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 160



How to Cite

Shvets, R. (2024). Zinaida Luzina: White Spots on the Map of the Philosophy of the «Executed Renaissance» Era. Sententiae, 43(3), 161–169. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent43.03.161






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