Kant's Doctrine of Sensibility, Space and Time: Transcendental, Anthropological and Natural Science Connotations





transcendental aesthetics, anthropological grounds of forms of sensory intuition, intellectual intuition, intuitive reason, transcendental foundations of natural science


The author examines Kant’s transcendental doctrine of space and time in order to find out possible anthropological connotations of the German philosopher’s topology. The analysis allows us to draw the following conclusions: 1) the anthropological features of space and time significantly correct the transcendental understanding of space and time as forms of sensual intuition; 2) the anthropological connotations of the forms of space and time make it impossible to have both noumenal, intellectual intuition of things and intuition based on a different topology, on configurations of the world that are different from those familiar to humans; 3) Kant’s achievement is his work «Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science» (1786), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the transcendental method, in particular transcendental aesthetics, in substantiating the natural sciences (physics) of the time, which made it possible to prove the close connection of the natural sciences with the transcendental conditions of experience.

Author Biography

Viktor Kozlovskyi, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Kozlovskyi, V. (2024). Kant’s Doctrine of Sensibility, Space and Time: Transcendental, Anthropological and Natural Science Connotations. Sententiae, 43(3), 81–98. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent43.03.081






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